malming bete unk..
but its time for me to relax..hhe
i hope i love u all my life....
chyank bgt m dy..
ky'y gkan pnah bsen"y ky gtuw,,walopun byk y9 bilang kalo dy ga9 tbaik bwt wy...its nevermind lah...really dont care ...nd of course no matter..
gituw ajj dwech wt hri niyh,,,

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010
Kamis, 25 Februari 2010
its my time
gonna be like it was before..
then it happened again..pushing me back out the door..tought it would be for real this time..leve me forget about the signs,,so now what do i do,,,
now that i know that we're through..wish that i could move on...can't let go its too strong..just like that and there you're this how you wanted it to be...everything you had to say. . .sent the tears righ down my face..
now i'm trying to escape..the misery...why dont you loved me..
the way i loved you...its feel so crazy..cause i do now what i did toyou..
if you're gonna hurt me...then do it quickly...cause i'm tird to crying..if you dont wanna stick arround..then baby forget about me...
too late,,,sory....i didn't even have the chance..
you sad you we're i dont understand...
gave you evverything you asked for..
and was ready to you give alot more..i would've given the world..right in the palm of your hand..wish that i could move on..can't let go it's to strong..just like that and then you're gone..was this how you wanted it to be..
everything you had to say..sent the tears right down my i'm tryong to escape..the misery.....
then it happened again..pushing me back out the door..tought it would be for real this time..leve me forget about the signs,,so now what do i do,,,
now that i know that we're through..wish that i could move on...can't let go its too strong..just like that and there you're this how you wanted it to be...everything you had to say. . .sent the tears righ down my face..
now i'm trying to escape..the misery...why dont you loved me..
the way i loved you...its feel so crazy..cause i do now what i did toyou..
if you're gonna hurt me...then do it quickly...cause i'm tird to crying..if you dont wanna stick arround..then baby forget about me...
too late,,,sory....i didn't even have the chance..
you sad you we're i dont understand...
gave you evverything you asked for..
and was ready to you give alot more..i would've given the world..right in the palm of your hand..wish that i could move on..can't let go it's to strong..just like that and then you're gone..was this how you wanted it to be..
everything you had to say..sent the tears right down my i'm tryong to escape..the misery.....
Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010
mlm ini aq nrasa ga,orank yg ngdampingi aq slalu ngcewaind dh cek smw 'y mulai dr facebook,hape,tmend"nya.ternyata bukti menyatakan kalo orang yg saat ini jd cwo aq adalh orank yg ga menghargai arti cinta yg sebenarnya,arti hidup yg sebenar'y,arti menghargai anak manusia yg sebenar'y.
aq tw ini cbaan bwt aq.sudah beberapa kali aq mengharapkan cinta sejati tp selalu spti ini.
selalu aq rasakan dari awal mpe saat ini.dy yang aq harapkan dapat membimbing aq ke jalan yg benar,dy yg aq harapkan dpt menghargai aq se utuh'y.tapi aq ngerasa salah pilih...
semua udah tlanjur.dan utk mencari kehati laind,rasanya ga mungkin bgt.
mungkin inilah yg dnamakan cinta.baru kaliini aq ngrasain tulus sayng ma cwo.tapi balasannya....SIA-SIA...
kcewa pasti aq rasakan...perih bgt,,,
entah knp aq bisa btahand ma dy mpe sejauh ini..
aq harapgda lg lelaki yg mau singgah d hati aq....
mungki dgn dy bisaa aq
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